Monday 25 April 2011

Reveiw and Evaluation

Overall i am choosing to design a wayfinding technique that will create mood and add colour to the interior design.In class the teacher i found was going on about the mood and feeling in a room  and how it needs to be a place people like to be and enjoy the surrondings and that is not boring and the same everytime you go there.So i firstly looked at colours and thought what if the mood chnaged consistanly through out the interior building as the weather effects our mood quite alot what if dependning on the mood outside effected the mood inside.
So for example if it was horrible and dull and grey and cold.Inside the colours would be red,orange and warm colours so it made you feel warm and happy inside.If it was the opposite a really hot day and your stressed out then the colours could be calm colours for example yellows,blues and peach or pale pinks.I also thort if we had to share the reception and canteen with say people that come to watch shows in the new theatre being built then say if one of there shows had a colour theme then that night the colour could be used to set the mood for the people waiting to go into the theatre.So i thought that you could do this as a way of wayfinding using light boxes shaped and like sheets of glass with font printed onto the front as a way of wayfinding and then this could be consistant through out the building and then you could carry this on like maybe exit signs or under the reception disk adding a a strip of a light box to create colour and abit of glamour to the building.
Overall i think that i have included the refrences and given information around my design i want to create.I have also looked into the brit school  itself as this is our client and abbit about what they wuld like and there dream to try and match them together.I think i coiuuld show i abit more of my own consept drawings about my design giving also mesurments and more clearer visual ideas.
I think that for the first time using this blogger it is not as bad as i thoguht it would be and also is much more easier and quicker than working in a sketch book.However I find it abit annoying how you have to scan all your concept drawings and anywork you have hand done into the computer.and i was not 100% shore of how to use this site first however i have got use to it and i think that it is a good way to present something like this prioject as its much more formal and easier to reveiw and you dont loose anything and its easy to read and neat.

Consept drawings and presentation

Here we are focusing on the blue welcome sign which will be made out of individual light boxed which have been molded into individual letters.Which have built in led lights and they change colors depending on the mood. The yellow is just to show how there will be a contiue of this colour through out the building in various places not to crowded just little things like wayfinding or under a reception desk or a piller.   

These are just some of the styles like arrows and placs and were they would be situated around a room with one continual colour.           

 Or another one of my ideas is using glass like the white part and writing on to this like saying reception,art block and various other things and then behind the glass have a led light which changes colour as this will look much more professional and sophisticated then the molded light boxes.For example still using the Ariel font So it doesn't look tacky.
this is an example that we could use so that inside you can still change the colour will still being able to read the writing on front this could be professionally stuck on sticker lettering and symbols so its still looks neat and smart.

font styles

I think that for my design i would like either the letting of times roman, ariel,or palatino to be used as they are all similar and easier to read and see, aswell as they go with everything else they do not need to be used for a certain place they are lettering that you can use consistently


Brisbane Libary: This is A really Good way of how i wont the way finding to follow threw and noticeable colours while not being to shocking.I like the way this is realy easy to see and is distinctive also sets a mood of quite a warm passionate feel threw the libary somewere were you can be all cosy and read.
This is exactly how i wont my idea to resemble various wayfinding signs that have led lights inside and that change in colour depending on the weather outside which will then reflect the contrast in mood inside. This is virgin atlantics wayfinding .I love this as its very slick and modern and noticable and not tacky.This is also something that wont get out of fashion because its basic and follows the rest of the building.Showing class.

I like the way in which you can use led lights in various different shades and they can still make a place sophisticated if the rest of the building is white.

Benefits of led lighting

  • High efficiency, up to 80% more efficient than Halogen lights and 50% better than fluorescent, providing you with enormous cost savings.
  • Surelight lights are peerless proven quality with an operating life of 6+ years (>50,000 hours), providing an exceptionally low maintenance lighting system for further cost benefits.
  • Special effects and single colour systems. These include RGB or Pastel colour options and warm or cool white lights of remarkably high brightness.
  • Surelight Lighting Systems are eco-friendly & produced in the UK.
  • LED lighting is long-lasting, rugged and many times more efficient than incandescent bulbs or compact fluorescent lighting.

Light Box Design.
design home furniture Home Lighting, Interior Design, This glowing floor light makes for a wonderful and functional accessory. it’s a lamp, a stool, and a table all in one. a simple, irresistible way to add dramatic lighting to any space. the lightbox is made from roto-molded plastic – a technique which yields a perfect cube with no outer seams. a light bulb is easily inserted from the underside of the cube, and the lamp can be controlled with a foot switch. the lightbox can support up to 200 lbs.
Reveiw: "I was simply amazed at what a dramatic effect these lightboxes produce. You’ll be looking for an opportunity to host a party just so you can show them off. The fact that they can be used as a stool or table as well as a wonderful lighting feature is why they have easily become my favorite new product."
materials: roto-molded plastic
dimensions: 18”w x 18”d x 18”h

This is what i would like to use for my idea basically a light box which has been molded into various things like an arrow and words as part of way finding and that has a built in led light inside each one of them which changes to whatever colour you set it to these wont be harsh lights but soft gradually changing lights.So there subtle and dont look to messy ,tacky and over the top.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Colours and moods.

5 words that i want to assosiate with my idea.
  • Range of 3d and 2d
  • Colourful
  • Consistant
  • Stimulating
  • Modern
How colours work:

Black is the color of authority and power. It is popular in fashion because it makes people appear thinner. It is also stylish and timeless. Black also implies submission. Priests wear black to signify submission to God. Some fashion experts say a woman wearing black implies submission to men. Black outfits can also be overpowering, or make the wearer seem aloof or evil. Villains, such as Dracula, often wear black.

Brides wear white to symbolize innocence and purity. White reflects light and is considered a summer color. White is popular in decorating and in fashion because it is light, neutral, and goes with everything. However, white shows dirt and is therefore more difficult to keep clean than other colors. Doctors and nurses wear white to imply sterility.

The most emotionally intense color, red stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. It is also the color of love. Red clothing gets noticed and makes the wearer appear heavier. Since it is an extreme color, red clothing might not help people in negotiations or confrontations. Red cars are popular targets for thieves. In decorating, red is usually used as an accent. Decorators say that red furniture should be perfect since it will attract attention.
The most romantic color, pink, is more tranquilizing. Sports teams sometimes paint the locker rooms used by opposing teams bright pink so their opponents will lose energy.

The color of the sky and the ocean, blue is one of the most popular colors. It causes the opposite reaction as red. Peaceful, tranquil blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often used in bedrooms. Blue can also be cold and depressing. Fashion consultants recommend wearing blue to job interviews because it symbolizes loyalty. People are more productive in blue rooms. Studies show weightlifters are able to handle heavier weights in blue gyms.

Currently the most popular decorating color, green symbolizes nature. It is the easiest color on the eye and can improve vision. It is a calming, refreshing color. People waiting to appear on TV sit in "green rooms" to relax. Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients. Brides in the Middle Ages wore green to symbolize fertility. Dark green is masculine, conservative, and implies wealth. However, seamstresses often refuse to use green thread on the eve of a fashion show for fear it will bring bad luck.

Cheerful sunny yellow is an attention getter. While it is considered an optimistic color, people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms, and babies will cry more. It is the most difficult color for the eye to take in, so it can be overpowering if overused. Yellow enhances concentration, hence its use for legal pads. It also speeds metabolism.

The color of royalty, purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication. It is also feminine and romantic. However, because it is rare in nature, purple can appear artificial.

Solid, reliable brown is the color of earth and is abundant in nature. Light brown implies genuineness while dark brown is similar to wood or leather. Brown can also be sad and wistful. Men are more apt to say brown is one of their favorite colors.

Read more: Color Psychology —


Visual reasearch architectual spaces

Visual reasearch

Light box design.

Gus* Modern - Lightbox

Brit school

Brit school.

     The BRIT School is Britain's only FREE Performing Arts and Technology School. It is an independent, state funded City College for the Technology of the Arts, the only one of its kind dedicated to education and vocational training for the performing arts, media, art and design and the technologies that make performance possible.
As a school for 14-19 year olds, we are unique and pioneering in our approach to education, but we are not a stage or fame school. We recognise that most of our students intend to make a career in the arts, entertainment and communications industries, but the school expects all to follow full time courses to completion. It is a vocational school; if an applicant is determined on a life devoted to art, dance, music, radio, television/film or theatre, then this could well be the right place.
We also pride ourselves on providing an excellent general education that helps prepare young people for the future. We encourage our students to go on to specialist colleges and universities or into employment in the creative industries. Indeed the majority do so.
They Have various dreams one of which are:
In the Middle of it All

“It is for this reason why it is so important to dream..Because great people can’t afford to measure themselves by the visions of their peers They must measure their standards by the quality of their own visions... What they see for themselves Creative people create their own worlds.”

Most importantly We need to look at the visual arts and design dream and create this.
The Visual Arts and Design Dream

“the artist realises that they are the mathematicians and magicians of illusion and reconstruction, practising creation at a whim.”

Various other architectural buildings in the Brit school:

main building which consists of reception,canteen,obey theatre,various media,textiles and other theatre rooms which then links and joins onto the dance block

Questionair for Brit fellow students ?
  • Whats your favourite colour?
  • Would you prefer a calm /relaxing place or funky and viberant?
  • Would you like everything to be the same layout throughtout eg:font style,size of things or would you prefer a wide variety of mix and match.
  • Would you liek to look man-made and environmental or hitec ,slick and modern.

Friday 15 April 2011

Interior Design and Branding

How does the nature of the interior of a building effect us?

The mood of the room effects us mentally. The range of moods are happy,sad,bored,creative,inspirational to create the mood the colours that we choose effectus in different forms.

Other  Ways in which the nature of the interior effects us in by :
lighting-windows with natural light reflecting through
Space-Physical sourroundings  

Wayfinding encompasses all of the ways in which people and animals orient themselves in physical space and navigate from place to place.

This here is a Tube map which is a way of wayfinding.We use this to make it easier to get from place to place as you can see there is also different black colours leading in vaqrious places.This is to show the different types of tube lines for example the bakerloo line or central line so it is easier for you to tell them apart.

This is another form of wayfinding in a car park I personally love this singage i think that its quite funky and modern how it uses the space and streaches the letters letting it flow from the wall onto the floor.I like also how its neat and one font and block colours.By using the block colours and the colour with capitals it makes a statment so you cant miss it. and gives the car park some looks like theres colour seeping all other the place.

It is important to use wayfinding as:
When rebranding you need to think  about the colouring the key to let people know which colours relate to which item.Aslo the font and this needs to be clear and sometimes relate to what you are talking about.Aswellas recognisable and clear understanding of the what it is that your trying to brand or create.You will also need to think about the audience.

Aedas and branding


Aedas creates some of the best architectural design solutions from our 39 offices around the globe. We provide international expertise with innate knowledge and understanding of local cultures. Our designers are committed to contribute and lead in the societies we design for. We have a holistic approach to sustainability which shows our care not only for the built environment but also for the people we work with and the societies we live and work within.
The Aedas global network provides consultancy services in architecture, interior design, masterplanning, landscape, urban design and building consultancy in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas. Our commitment and tenacity to improve the natural and built environment are reflected in our designs for all building types including civic, education, 
health, transport, commercial, residential, sports, retail and industrial buildings.


Aedas was established in 2002 with the partnership of LPT Architects in Hong Kong and Abbey Holford Rowe in the UK to become Aedas LPT and Aedas AHR respectively. Following a merger with TCN Architects of Birmingham in 2003, the name Aedas was adopted for all areas of the practice with the LPT and AHR being dropped from the Hong Kong and UK practice names later in 2003

Aedas Imaging produced images and animations for ASDA stores nationwide, which were used successfully for design development, client approval, public consultation and planning permission
ASDA Supermarkets

What do we man when we talk about branding?
  • Identity
  • Functions
  • To see a product
What does it involve and why is it so important?
  • Logos-This is one of the most important factors with graphic design as this distinguishes the brand from other various brands.
  • Slogans- This is something that helps you to remember the product easier and also to attract attention. 
  • Advertisement- this is used to make the product more visible and known. There are various ways to advertise the product for example through television, billboard, magazines or books. Advertisement is usually found on televisions as this is the most looked at technology so more people will see it.By using this it also always them to create little scenario to draw people in and mainly using celebrities or famous people as people look up to them
  • Typography-This is used to make words look more interesting with there own identity characteristics and sometimes relate to the passage the type is in.
  • Identity-This is when something has its own unique mark so you can tell it apart from something else. For example on jewelry of real gold and silver there are hallmarks which are tiny microscopic symbols so that you can tell they are real and all individual with there own characteristics and identity. 
A useful websites that can help with this project is.

Monday 4 April 2011

Brand Identity

Nike Brand
They selected a brand mark today known internationally as the “Swoosh,” which was created by a graphic design
student at Portland State University named Carolyn Davidson. The new Nike line of footwear debuted in 1972, in
time for the U.S. Track & Field Trials, which were held in Eugene, Ore.
The nike graphic design is  the most simple design ever with a plain white tick mark and black background however one of the most well known brands.That the audience instantly when shown this know its by nike or when the hear the word nike think of the tick.This shows that sometimes less is more and the more simpler the design the most recognizable it is.
The nike logo design
plain and basic block colour of black

Coca -Cola Brand 

Coca-Cola is the world's favourite soft drink and has been enjoyed since 1886. It was invented by Dr John S Pemberton and first went on sale at Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia. It was actually Dr Pemberton's bookkeeper, Frank M Robinson, who invented the now world famous red-and-white logo with its special Spencerian script. 
 Coca-Cola arrived in Britain in 1900, when Charles Candler brought a jug of syrup with him on a visit to England. Later, in the early 1920s, it went on sale in Selfridges and at the London Coliseum.
Coca-Cola is now the most recognised trademark in the world, available everywhere from Australia to Zambia. Today you have a lot of choice in how you enjoy Coca-Cola, with regular Coca-Cola, sugar-free Diet Coke and sugar-free Coke Zero available in a variety of pack sizes for every occasion.
This drink Is such a recognizable drink as it has had the same recognizable shocking bold red since it was first brought onto the market while also keep there famous font style in white only until recently when its become slightly more modern and fresh. This is only to keep up with the vast changes in technology these days.As it is said that the world coca cola is the second most widely understood word in the world today after ok. This is because they have progressed to create various other drinks such as fanta and sprite which also has the same colour and design similarity of a bold colour such as red ,orange and green like the above drinks i have mentioned then a bubble bold style writing all slightly different but still using a bold white filler to stand out from the background and remaining fresh and funky.

Robinson had the prescience to see that Coca- Cola’s two C’s would stand out in any ad campaign and it was him, too, who chose the logo’s distinctive cursive script. The typeface used, known as Spencerian script, was developed in the mid 19th century and was the dominant form of formal handwriting in the United States during that period. 

The brand’s colour, the now familiar Coca-Cola red, remains a highly important component of this design classic. White cursive text sat on a bright red background has since been used for almost all of Coca-Cola’s rival brands (with the notable exception of Pepsi), and recently Quibla Cola and Mecca Cola, drinks targeted primarily at Muslim consumers as an alternative to the US-based Coca-Cola, have traded on the brand image for more political reasons. 

Starbucks Design.

Brief History of Starbucks Logo

Starbucks logo was firstly Designed by Terry Heckler of Heckler Associates, the mermaid that beckons coffee drinkers was based of a classic 15th century Norse woodcut of the mythical siren. The hardy yet feminine look was perfect for the Pacific Northwest local. Evoking the local lumber industry�s history in the area coupled with an inviting face, the logo was a perfect fit
However, the finely crafted  individualistic soon faced problems. How do you place a bare breasted siren on the side of a truck? Modify! Eventually, the sirens hair was lowered to cover the bare-chested icon. Then the suggestive pose of the mermaid, posed a unique branding challenge during Starbucks rapid expansion. What had seemed a clever and folksy design in Seattle was considered risqu� in other parts of the country? Modify Again! Soon, the offending pose was slightly altered, and then eventually the pose completely obscured.
Evolution of new redesigned Starbucks logo

The current Starbucks logo that the world knows today now focuses on the warm and inviting face of the mermaid, rather than her body. The iconic cigar band outline remains, framing one of the most famous corporate identities in the world.

Original Starbucks logo design
Orgional logo
I did some research and read more about their concept of designing and their team work. Actually Starbucks has two groups of designers as follow: - the global creative team that handles advertising and marketing material, products presentation and packaging; - the store design group witch is responsible for the furniture, fittings and layout of the stores.
At the creative group they have graphic designers together with technical and packaging specialists. Some of the team also bring fine art and illustration skills to the mix so that is probably why they have such a good range of products
New Starbucks logo design
.The Starbucks logo shows a green band with two stars and a crowned Siren in the center of the logo.
  Over famous logos are :
Adidas LogoAmerican Express LogoApple Logo
BMW LogoBurger king LogoChevy Logo
Coca Cola LogoDen]